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Welcome to the Visitation School Professional Development Website

This began as a class project; however I can see a use for this at our school. Several teachers asked for more training on Edmodo, the SMART board, and web 2.0 tools for technology integration. The lessons are designed to be completed at your own pace. The lessons have been mostly created by myself and use a variety of methods for delivery; some I have used in the computer lab with students, while some I would like to use in the future. If you need help while using this site or while completing the lessons please stop by to see me or email me at

I plan on adding lessons to this site on a regular basis. If you have suggestions for future lessons please let me know either in person or at the above email.

Thank you,

Mary Jo Heiberger

teacher jobs

Updated June 26, 2014 2:40 PM Contact Me.

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