The Department of Music welcomes all incoming students (including transfer students) planning to major in Music Industry and CS+Music to submit an audition video. Whether you have a traditional music background, or you are have no formal training but have a passion to pursue music seriously for the first time, you can major in music at Lewis! What is your musical story? Singer? Instrumentalist? DJ? Producer? Beat maker? Electronic musician? You are welcome here!
Talent scholarships range between $1000 and $2000 per academic year, and are renewable for four years. Lewis students frequently receive additional assistance to augment this award, and music majors can also audition for ensemble scholarships (see below). Contact the Financial Aid office at Lewis to learn more about other financial awards.
Due to Lewis' open enrollment, it is not necessary to audition to declare Music Industry or CS+Music as a major; however, most Music Industry and CS+Music majors do audition for a talent scholarship. Since funding for these talent scholarships is limited, prospective students are strongly encouraged to audition as soon as possible.
Check Audition Information for instructions on how to audition as a Music Industry or CS+Music major.
Did you sing in your high school choir or perform in your jazz band? Were in a rock band? You can continue to pursue your passion of music while at Lewis regardless of your major! The Music Department awards scholarships to incoming (including new transfer) undergraduate students,regardless of major, to participate in various music ensembles. You do not have to be a Music major to audition or participate in music groups at Lewis!
Ensemble scholarships are awarded based upon a video audition, and are typically $1000-$2000. Scholarships are renewable each year as long as the student is continuously enrolled in the ensemble. Only undergraduate incoming students, including transfer, are eligible for these ensemble scholarships.
Scholarships are available for: