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Requirements for the Major and Minor

An English major has a choice of two programs. Program One is designed for the student who intends to teach English at the secondary level and/or to pursue graduate studies in English. This program is approved by the Illinois State Teacher Certification Board in conjunction with the Illinois State Board of Education and leads to the Standard High School (6-12) Certificate. 

Program Two is designed for the student who wants to develop an individualized program of study in language and literature in order to prepare for graduate studies in English or to enter into professions, such as Internet and/or traditional publishing, law, business, or medicine, in which reading skills, analytical skills and writing skills are essential. 

Use the following links or scroll down the page for further information.
Program One
Major Minor
Program Two
Major Minor

Program One: 

English major leading to teaching and/or graduate degrees. 

Degree Offered: Bachelor of Arts 
Total Credit Hours: 128 
Major Credit Hours: 39 

Requirements for this program are divided into six categories: Core Courses, Survey Courses, Non-Western or American Multi-cultural Courses, Electives, Advanced Writing, and the Portfolio Review.

1.Core Courses (24 Credit Hours) 
Students must take the following courses:
06-250 Introduction to English Studies (3) 
06-310 Advanced Writing (3) 
06-314 Linguistics (3) 
06-315 Grammar for Teachers (1) 
06-316 Teaching Writing (2) 
06-318 Writing- Center Practicum (1) 
05-325 Special Methods: Teaching English in the Secondary Schools (2) 
06-228 Adolescent Literature (3) 
06-360 Shakespeare (3) 
06-380 Writing Portfolio (0) 
06-420 Literary Theory and Criticism (3) 

2.Survey Courses (9 Credit Hours) 
Students must take at least one American Literature survey course from the Pre-modern period and one British Literature survey course from the Pre-Modem period and one additional course. 

One American Literature Pre-modem survey: 06-341 or 06-343 
One British Literature Pre-modem survey: 06-351 or 06-353 
One additional course from the following: 06-341, 06-343, 06-345 06-351, 06-353, 06-355 

3.Non-Western Literature or American Multi-cultural Literature (3) 
Students must select one of the following: 06-334, 06-346, 06-347, 06-348 

The department recommends that Program One majors take 06-334 Non-Western Literature in order to fulfill both a departmental requirement and a teaching certificate requirement. 

4.English Elective (3) 
Students may take any 200, 300, or 400-level literature course to fulfill this requirement.  Students are strongly encouraged, however, to take as many literature courses as their schedule allows.

5. Advanced Writing Requirement
The general education advanced writing, requirement is fulfilled in Program One by the completion of 06-310 Advanced Writing. 

6.Portfolio Review
In consultation with their advisors in the English Department, majors must submit a portfolio of writing for review. The portfolio represents assignments and projects completed in courses. Students should register for 06-380 Writing Portfolio in the semester before Graduation. Further information can be obtained from the advisor and department chair

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English Minor: Program One 

The Program One minor results in a teaching minor in English for Illinois State Teacher Certification. Prospective secondary and junior high school teachers must major in an approved teacher education program.

Requirements for this program are divided into four categories: Core Courses, Survey Courses, Non-Western or American Multi-cultural Courses, and Electives.

Total Credit Hours Required: 22 

1.Core Courses (10 Credit Hours) 
Students must take the following courses:
06-250 Introduction to English Study (3) 
06-310 Advanced Writing (3) or 
06-316 Teaching Writing (2) and 06-318 Writing Center Practicum (1) 
06-314 Linguistics (3) 
06-315 Grammar for Teachers (1) 

2.Survey of Literature Courses (6) 
Students must take:
One American Literature survey: 06-341, 06-343 or 06-345 
One British Literature survey: 06-351, 06-353 or 06-355 
One of the above must be from the pre-Modem era (06-341 or 06-343 or 06-351 or 06-353). 

3.Non-Western Literature or American Multi-cultural Literature (3) 
Students must select one of the following: 06-334, 06-346, 06-347, 06-348

4.One English Elective (3). 
Students may take any 200, 300, or 400-level literature course to fulfill this requirement.  Students are strongly encouraged, however, to take as many literature courses as their schedule allows.

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Program Two:

English major leading to graduate school, law, writing, politics or administration. 

Degree Offered: Bachelor of Arts 
Total Credit Hours: 128 
Major Credit Hours: 36 

Requirements for this program are divided into five categories: Core Courses, Survey Courses, Electives, Advanced Writing, and the Portfolio Review.

1. Core Courses (15 Credit Hours) 
Students must take the following courses:
06-250 Introduction to English Studies (3) 
06-310 Advanced Writing (3) or 06-300 Writing for the Professions (3) 
06-314 Linguistics (3) 
06-366 Shakespeare (3) 
06-420 Literary Theory and Criticism (3) 
06-380 Writing Portfolio (0) 

2.Survey of Literature Courses (9) 
Students must take at least one American Literature survey course from the Pre-modern period and one British Literature survey course from the Pre-modern period and one additional course. 

One American Literature Pre-modem survey: 06-341 or 06-343 
One British Literature Pre-modern survey: 06-351 or 06-353 
One additional course from the following: 06-341, 06-343, 06-345, 06-351, 06-353, 06-355 

3.Four English Electives (12) 
Students may take any 200, 300, or 400-level literature course to fulfill this requirement.  Students are strongly encouraged, however, to take as many literature courses as their schedule allows.

4.Advanced Writing Requirement
The general education advanced writing requirement is satisfied by the completion of 06-310 Advanced Writing or 06-300 Writing for the Professions. 

5.Portfolio Review
In consultation with their advisors in the English Department, majors must submit a portfolio of writing for review. The portfolio represents assignments and projects completed in courses. Students should register for 06-380 Writing Portfolio in the semester before graduation. Further information can be obtained from the advisor and department chair.

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English Minor: Program Two 

The Program Two minor is designed for students who wish to complement their major studies with the study of language and literature.  Requirements for this program are divided into three categories: Core Courses, Survey Courses, and Electives.

Total Credit Hours Required: 18 

1.Core Courses (6) 
Students must take the following courses:
06-325 Introduction to English Studies (3) 
06-300 Writing for the Professions(3)or 06-310AdvancedWriting(3) 

2.Survey of Literature Courses (6) 

Students must take one American Literature survey and one British Literature survey. 
American survey courses: 06-341, or 06-343, or 06-345 
British survey courses: 06-351, or 06-353, or 06-355 

3.Two English Electives (6) 
Students may take any 200, 300, or 400-level literature course to fulfill this requirement.  Students are strongly encouraged, however, to take as many literature courses as their schedule allows.

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This site was created and is maintained by Dr. Christopher Wielgos, Assistant Professor of English, Lewis University.
This site was last updated on August 8, 2000.
Any questions, comments, or suggestions are highly welcome and may be sent to:
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This document Copyright © 2000 by Christopher Wielgos, PhD & Lewis University. All Rights Reserved.