State and Local Government

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State and Local Government

State and Local

Test 2



1.      The most important function of the legislature

a.  represent constituents                  c.  make the law

b.  oversee the bureaucracy                  d.  approve the state’s budget


2.      Social background information on state legislators indicates that legislators

tend to come from the

a.       high social class.

b.      low social class.

c.       upwardly mobile sector of the population.

d.      none of the above


3.      Typical state legislators fit which of the following

a.  wealthy                                                 c.  military veterans

b.  college educated                                  d.  all the above

e.       a and b only


4.      Unlike Washington D.C. some state legislatures have enacted changes such as

a.  term limits.                                        c.  spending limits.

b.  campaign finance reform.             d.  all the above


5.      A legislature(s) with a more professional structure

a.  California                                              c.  New York

b.  Illinois                                       d.  all the above


6.      An amateur legislature is characterized by

a.  part-time membership.                c.  small staff assistance.

b.  low pay.                                          d.  all the above


7.      The oversight power of the state legislature means

a.       the power to tax and spend.

b.      the power to override the veto of the governor.

c.       the power to supervise the activity of state agencies.

d.      the power to overlook the interests of state government.


8.      The functions of political parties include

a.  formulation policy.                          c.  nominating candidates.

b.  organizing the government.            d.  all the above


9.      Best describes party organization

a.       elected officials who ran under the party label

b.      everyone who contributes money to a political party

c.       those who identify with a political party

d.      those who help run the local party organization


10.  The party-in-the-electorate refers to

a.       elected officials who ran under the party label.

b.      everyone who contributes money to a political party.

c.       those who identify with a political party.

d.      those who help run the local party organization.


11.  The party-in-the-government can best be described as

a.       elected officials who ran under the party label.

b.      everyone who contributes money to a political party.

c.       those who identify with a political party.

d.      those who help run the local party.


12.  Most voters cast their votes on the basis of candidate

a.  image.                          c.  financial policy stands.

b.  political experience.            d.  party identification.


13.  Which of the following weaken the parties in America?

a.  rise of primary elections            c.  decline of party identification.

b.  decrease in patronage.            d.  all the above


14.  Campaign finance laws generally attempt to do which of the following?

a.       limit the size of campaign contributions

b.      limit the overall spending of candidates and parties

c.       establish a regulatory agency to oversee campaign practices

d.      all the above


15.  Largely unregulated monetary contributions to a party for activities such as voter registration and get out the vote drives is called

a.       independent expenditures.

b.      soft money.

c.       hard money.

d.      bundling.


16.  In the responsible party model which of the following is true?

a.       develop a clear policy alternative

b.      educate the public on policy position

c.       recruit candidates who agree with the policy positions of party

d.      all the above

  17.   The responsible model has not worked because

a.       the parties do not offer clear policy alternatives.

b.      voter decisions are not based on policy.

c.       parties have no way to sanction those who do not follow the party.

d.      all the above

18.  The decline of parties has been the result of

a.       the use of the primary system to nominate candidates.

b.      the increased use of the media in campaigning.

c.       the decline of patronage.

d.      all the above


19.  Party officials, party workers and convention delegates are part of which element

of the party?

     a.  party-in-the-electorate.      c.  party organization.

     b.  party-in-the-government.        d.  all of the above


20.  Which of the following has contributed to the decline of political parties?

a.       political action committees

b.      professional campaign management firms

c.       interest groups

d.      all of the above


21.  Which of the following differentiates an interest group from a political party?

a.       A political party attempts to influence policy, whereas an interest group

attempts to gain control of the government by running candidates for

public office.

b.      An interest group is more comprehensive than a political party.

c.       An interest group seeks to influence government on a narrow range of issues,

whereas a political party attempts to win elections.

d.      An interest group attempts to appeal broadly to many groups of voters.


22.  A political party performs which of the following functions?

a.       serves as a link between government and people by helping to hold elected

officials accountable to the voters

b.      helps to recruit candidates for office

c.       links various branches and levels of government

d.      all of the above


23.  The fading of party loyalties among many voters has been one of the most visible features of American politics in recent years.  Some of the reasons are

a.       a more educated electorate.

b.      an increase in “split ticket” voting.

c.       the increased importance of television.

d.      all of the above

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24.  Which type of occupation is noticeably absent among state legislators?

a.  blue-collar workers                                   c.  lawyers

b.  professionals                            d.  business people


25.  Most of the work of the state legislature takes place

a.  in committee.                                c.  in speakers hands.

b. on floor.                                        d.  in conference committee.


26.  The best single predictor of how a state legislature will vote is

a.  party affiliation.                                 c.  the region of the country.

b.  state the legislator is in.               d. occupation.


27.  Most state legislatures can be described as

a.  professional.                             c.  reformist.

b.  amateur.                                               d.  none of the above


28.  Functions of staff in the state legislature include

a.       provide information

b.      draft bills

c.       research legislation in other states

d.      all the above

e.       none of the above


29.  The best predictor of sustained political activity is

a.  age.                                                 c.  ethnicity.

b.  gender.                                     d.  partisanship.


30.  An interest group is an organized group of people seeking

a.       to enter politics and run for office.

b.      to influence the course of government policy.

c.       some control over the executive branch of government.

d.      to study politics and government.


31.  Conventional way(s) in which people can participate in politics

a.       run for public office

b.      take part in demonstrations and sit-ins

c.       write letters to public officials

d.      all the above


32.  Unconventional forms of political participation include

a.  protest.                                     c.  violence.

b.  civil disobedience.                           d.  all the above

33.  The American Bar Association is an example of

a.       a professional association.     c.  public interest group.

b.      a citizen activist group.          d.  none of the above


34.  An example of an economic interest group found at the state level

a.       business, labor and public interest groups

b.      business, labor and agriculture groups

c.       business, agriculture and single issue groups

d.      public interest group and business group


35.  The American Medical Association is an example of

a.  a professional association.                   c.  public interest group.

b.  a citizen activist group.              d.  none of the above


36.  The Teamsters Union is an example of an

a.  economic interest group.              c.  public interest group.

b.  single interest group.              d.  advocacy group.


37.  Likely to be found lobbying in the typical state legislature

a.  Farm Bureau                         c.  AFL-CIO

b.  Chamber of Commerce                   d.  all the above


38.  According to people in the business, effective lobbying requires

a.       supplying trustworthy information.

b.      testifying at hearings and investigations.

c.       influencing legislators in their offices and at social gatherings.

d.      all the above


39.  Most likely to be involved in politics at the state level

a.  business group                         c.  veterans’ groups

b.  churches                                               d.  environmentalists


40.  Electioneering activity by an interest group can involve

a.       providing volunteers for campaign assistance.

b.      providing their members of politicians’ voting records.

c.       giving money to candidates.

d.      all the above


41.  Interest groups that go to court are involved in

a.  public relations.                                  c.  lobbying.

b.  electioneering.                          d.  litigation

42.  Function(s) of parties

a.       organize elections

b.      simplify voter choice

c.       help voters decide who to vote for

d.      all the above


43.  Political parties are less powerful today than in the past because of

a.       declining party allegiance among voters.

b.      political action committees.

c.       interest groups taking over the role of parties.

d.      all of the above


44.  Which of the following legislative functions can best be described as “servicing

the district”?

     a.  policy making                c.  overseeing state agencies

     b.  serving constituents         d.  approving the budget


45.  The political function of state legislatures

a.  “kill laws”                                        c.  “hold the fort”

b.  “pass laws”                                        d.  “keep the faith”


46.  Limits the power of the state legislature to make law

a.  state constitution                               c.  Public opinion

b.  U. S. Constitution                             d.  State laws


47.  The first challenge that an aspiring legislator faces is

a.       deciding party affiliation.

b.      declaring his or her candidacy.

c.       raising money to finance the campaign.

d.      hiring a campaign manager.


48.  Most of the money for state legislative campaigns now comes from

a.  interest groups.                         c.  the candidate.

b.  political parties.                         d.  none of the above


49.  Interest groups most powerful at the state level

a.  environmental interests                       c.  economic interests

b.  noneconomic interests                       d.  educational interests


50.  Interest group tactics include

a.  bill monitoring.                               c.  campaign financing.

b.  lobbying.                                             d.  all the above

51.  Any communication by someone acting on behalf of a group directed at government decision-maker with the hope of influencing that person is referred to as

     a.  campaigning.                   c.  politicking.

     b.  electioneering.                  d.  lobbying.


52.  Political parties are governed by

a.  federal law.                                          c.  local ordinances.

b.  state law.                                          d.  the parties themselves.


53.  Most likely to win a state legislative bill

a.  incumbent                                            c.  Democrat

b.  challenger                                             d.  Republican


54.  No state monies may be spent without a(n)

a.       initiative from county and local governments

b.      approval of the governor

c.       endorsement of state treasurer

d.      legislative appropriation




















Test 1


1.      The primary responsibility for maintaining prisons and correctional


a.       national government

b.      states

c.       local

d.      state and local governments


2.      Contributes to the nationalization of states

a.       national business such as Wal-Mart and McDonald’s

b.      cable TV

c.       migration to West and South

d.      all the above


3.      The nationalization of the states means

a.       no matter what state you go to, it is about the same.

b.      there are fewer differences among the population.

c.       state differences are diminishing.

d.      all the above


4.      When comparing states economically, a state most likely to be at the

top of the list is

     a.  New York.                              c.  Alaska.

     b.  Alabama.                         d.  Mississippi.


5.      Decisions about allocating money for streets and highways are made by

a.       the national government.

b.      states.

c.       communities.

d.      state and local governments.


6.      Social Security and Medicare are administered by

a.       the national government.

b.      states.

c.       local government.

d.      state and local governments.


7.      Medicaid is administered by

a.       the national government.

b.      states.

c.       local government.

d.      state and local government.


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8.      The principal instrument of law enforcement and public safety

a.  FBI                                     c.  local police

b.  state police                           d.  Homeland Security


9.      The second most costly function of state and local government

a.  education                                c.  transportation

b.  public safety               d.  welfare


10.  All the following are administered by state government EXCEPT

a.  welfare.                                    c.  social security.

b.  Medicaid.                                d.  education.


11.  The primary responsibility for public safety is at what level?

a.       national

b.      state

c.       local

d.      Each is about equally responsible.


12.  Strictly a local responsibility

            a.  housing                         c.  zoning

            b.  health and welfare             d.  air and water pollution


13.  The level(s) of government that carry on the greatest volume of public

        business, settle the most political conflicts and make most of the policy


a.       the national government

b.      national/state governments

c.       state and local governments

d.      all are about the same


14.  The most important responsibility of state and local government

            a.  education                                  c.  transportation

            b.  welfare                         d.  public safety


15.  The most costly of state and local functions

            a.  transportation               c.  education

            b.  welfare                         d.  public safety


16.  The national government contributes about 10% of the money that goes to

        which function?

            a.  transportation               c.  education

            b.  welfare                         d.  public safety

17.  Comparing political institutions and behavior from state to state in order to identify

        similarities and differences is known as

            a.  contrasting studies.                          

b.      comparative approach.

c.       cooperative studies.

d.      study of state and local government.


18.  Comparative analysis helps us answer the question

            a.  who                                                 c.  when

            b.  why                                                 d.  where


19.  State political systems and public policies are shaped by

            a.  political parties.                        

b.      the national government’s policies.

c.       unique historical and cultural setting.

d.      interest groups.


20.  Most immigrants come to the United States for

            a.  political freedom.                                   c.  welfare benefits.

            b.  economic opportunity.                  d.  climate and weather.


21.  State institutions have all but one of the following provisions

a.       establish the structure of government

b.      limit the rights of citizens

c.       limit the powers of government

d.      explain how elections are conducted


22.  The true meaning of constitutionalism

a.       elections                       c.  limited government

b.      representative taxation          d.  divided government


23.  Every state constitution contains

a.       a bill of rights.

b.      provision for separation of powers.

c.       restrictions on powers of governments.

d.      all the above


24.  State Constitutions are limited by

a.       Presidential actions.

b.      citizens of the United States acting together.

c.       U. S. Constitution.

d.      all the above


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25.  Unlike the U. S. Constitution, state constitutions contain

a.       provisions about local government.

b.      detailed rights of citizens.

c.       detailed limits on government institutions.

d.      all the above


26.  Found in State constitutions but not the national constitution

a.       bill of rights

b.      separation of powers

c.       rights and duties of local government

d.      limited power of government institutions


27.  The model for most state constitutions

a.       the U.S. Constitution

b.      California constitution

c.       New York Constitution

d.      They are all unique and have no specific model.


28.  Local governments are

a.       created by national government.

b.      divisions of the state.

c.       independent of any other level of government.

d.      none of the above


29.  Dividing power between the national government and states is referred to as

            a.  confederal.                                           c.  federal.

            b.  democratic.                                          d.  unitary.


30.  All the following are advantages of federalism EXCEPT

            a.  dispersing power.                         c.  decreasing competition.

            b.  increasing participation.                 d.  encouraging innovation.


31.  State and local governments are widely regarded as being

a.       “where the action is”

b.      closer to the people”

c.       “where the rubber meets the road”

d.      “a walk on the wild side”


32.  Which area of the country is experiencing the greatest growth of jobs and


            a.  Northeast                                             c.  Southwest

            b.  Midwest                                               d.  Mid-Atlantic States

33.  Major purpose of state constitution

a.       limit government

b.      protect individual rights

c.       expand powers of state and local governments

d.      all the above

e.       a and b only


34.  Constitutions can be described as

            a.  political documents.                               c.  both.

            b.  legal documents.                                           d.  neither.


35.  Problem(s) of state constitutions

a.       contain policies that should be handled by the legislature

b.      describe procedures that should be handled by the bureaucracy

c.       place limits on taxing and spending

d.      all the above


36.  State  constitutions include all but the following provision

a.       relations with national government

b.      structure and power of government

c.       suffrage and elections

d.      bill of rights


37.  A typical state constitution contains how many words

            a.  1,000                                                   c.  27,000

            b.  8,000                                                   d.  50,000


38.  Constitutions define what governments

a.       may and may not do.

b.      how they should do it

c.       how they should be organized

d.      all the above


39.  The major feature of a  federal system of government

a.       centralism

b.      decentralized system

c.       sacrifice political power for public good

d.      none of the above


40.  Form of federalism that does not recognize local government

            a.  dual federalism                                 c.  creative federalism

            b.  cooperative federalism                     d.  new federalism


41.  Expansion of the national government into domestic functions that were granted to the states by the U. S. Constitution has resulted form which type of federalism?


            a.  dual federalism                                 c.  regulatory federalism

            b.  cooperative federalism                     d.  new federalism


42.  Federalism is best suited for a country that is

a.       large geographically.

b.      diverse in population and ideas.

c.       conservative.

d.      all the above

e.       a and b only


43.  Federalism found in the U.S. Constitution

            a.  dual                                                 c.  centralized

            b.  cooperative                                          d.  new


44.  The practice of federalism or modern federalism in the U.S. today

            a.  dual                                                 c.  centralized

            b.  cooperative                                          d.  new


45.  Orders to state and local governments to comply with federal laws

            a.  exemptions                                           c.  mandates

            b.  preemptions                              d.  regulations


46.  The passing down of responsibilities from the national government to

        the states is known as

            a.  preemption.                                          c.  mandate.

            b.  perception.                                           d.  devolution.


47.  Disadvantage(s) of federalism

a.       obstruct national policy

b.      allow minorities to rule

c.       focus on local rather than national interests

d.      all the above


48.  The branch of national government responsible for interpreting the Constitution

            a.  executive                                              c.  judicial

            b.  legislative                                              d.  bureaucracy


49.  The greatest crisis of the American Federal system was

            a.  American Revolution.                   c.  World War II.

            b.  Civil War.                                        d.  Vietnam War

50.  Those who favor federalism argue that

a.       it permits more opportunities for political participation.

b.      it allows special interests to frustrate efforts to solve national


c.       by its diversity it makes it easier to achieve and maintain national unity.

d.      it is practiced by every major country in the world.

e.       all of the above


51.  Those who are against federalism argue that which of the following constitutes

        a weak point in the system?

a.       It allows special interests to frustrate efforts to solve national problems.

b.      Law enforcement and justice may be administered unevenly.

c.       The system may serve as a mask for privilege and economic and racial


d.      all of the above

e.       It is practiced in every modern industrialized country.


52.  The view that the various levels of government are related parts of a single

        governmental system characterized more by shared functions than by conflict

        and competition describes which of the following?

a.       dual federalism

b.      cooperative federalism

c.       new federalism

d.      creative federalism

e.       single federalism






Test  1

 1.  According to Dye, the basic purpose of government is:
      a.  punish law breakers     c.  management of conflict
      b.  protection from invasion    d.  welfare for the needy

 2.  States differ from one another because of which of the following?
       a.  national financial institutions    c.  interest group influence
       b.  unique historical and cultural settings   d.  all the above

 3.   States tend to differ on which of the following characteristics?
       a.  socio-economic levels of their citizens
       b.  educational attainment of citizens
       c.  racial and ethnic composition
       d.  all the above

 4.   Hispanic refers to which of the following?
       a.  Mexican Americans     c.  Puerto Ricans
       b.  Cuban Americans     d.  all the above

 5.   According to Dye, America is a country of
       a.  entrepreneurs.      c.  immigrants.
       b.  religions.      d.  exports.

 6.   Most immigrants come to the United States for
        a.  political freedom.     c.  better welfare benefits.
        b.  economic opportunity.    d.  a moderate climate.

 7.   The U. S. Supreme Court has mandated that state and local governments may not
       exclude either legal or illegal immigrants from
       a.  public employment.     .
       b.  public education.
       c.  a professional career.
       d.  housing in certain neighborhoods.

 8.   The level(s) of government that do/does the most government business
       a.  the national government   c.  local/national
       b.  state      d.  state and local

 9.  The most important responsibility of state and local government is
      a.  the economy.     c.  welfare.
      b.  education.     d.  transportation.

10.  The most costly of all state and local functions is
       a.  economic regulation.    c.  transportation.
       b.  social welfare programs.   d.  education.

11.  The national government’s contribution to education is
       a.  10%.                 c. 30%.
       b.  20%.      d. 50%.

12.  The second most costly function of state and local government is
       a.  the economy.     c.  welfare.
       b.  education.     d.  transportation.

13.  All but one are administered by state and local government
       a.  Social Security    c.  Food Stamps
       b.  Medicaid     d.  welfare

14.  Most responsible for public safety or the police function
       a.  national government
       b.  state troopers
       c.  local police forces
       d.  All are about the same in terms of number of police personnel.

15.  The level(s) of government that deal(s) directly with the problems and consequences
       of racial problems
       a.  national government    c.  state and local governments
       b.  state government    d.  community policy forces

16.  Found in a typical state constitution
       a.  limit on rights of citizens
       b.  limits on power of government
       c.  established the structure and organization of government
       d.  all the above
       e.  b and c only

17.  Characteristics found in the typical state constitution
       a.  democratic elections    c.  separation of powers
       b.  limited government    d.  all the above

18.  Problems of a typical state constitution
       a.  written in legalese
       b.  poorly worded and confusing
       c.  full of details and policy decisions
       d.  packed with historical information

19.  The more detailed and specific a state constitution, the more likely it is to
       a.  be reviewed by the Supreme Court.
       b.  require more amendments.
       c.  be used as a  model for other states.
      d.  reverse the majority of legislative action.

20.  Dividing branches of government into different and distinct units is known as
       a.  federalism.     c.  checks and balances.
       b.  separation of powers.    d.  none of the above

21.  Local governments are not independent government bodies, but really
       a.  created by the national government.
       b.  division of county government
       c.  creatures of state government
       d.  creatures of the national government

22.  The functions of state and local government in the area of transportation include:
       a.  highway construction.    c.  taxing gasoline.
       b.  policing the roads.    d.  all the above

23.  The major function of local government in education is
       a.  hire teachers.     c.  set the curriculum.
       b.  decide on which books are used.  d.  all the above

24.  The one function that state and local governments do not share with the national
       a.  welfare
       b.  police
       c.  education
       d.  All are functions performed at all three levels of government.

25.  The nationalization of the states refers to
       a.  states rejoining the Union after the Civil War.
       b.  states relying on grants-in-aid from the national government.
       c.  diminishing differences among the states in income, ethnic and racial 
       d.  increasing differences among the states in income, ethnic and racial composition.

26.  Local governmental power derives from
       a.  the U.S. Constitution.    c.  state constitutions
       b.  court decisions    d.  local charters

27.  State and Local government is considered important to study because
       a.  they make decisions that impact the average citizen.
       b.  they are becoming more important as the national government takes less 
            responsibility for domestic problems.
       c.  they have power over most of the issues that people care about.
       d.  all the above

28.  State and local government is less visible than the national government because
       a.  it costs the media more to cover state and local politics.
       b.  the structure of state and local is more complicated and therefore harder to
       c.  the feeling in the media is that most people do not care about what happens at the
            state and local levels.
       d.  all the above

29.  Advantage of federalism
       a.  help manage political conflict 
       b.  encourage innovation
       c.  increase opportunities for political participation
       d.  all the above

30.  Disadvantage(s) of federalism
       a.  complicated
       b.  costly
       c.  results in duplication of services
       d.  all the above

31.  Model of federalism that stresses the joint arrangements among the three levels of 
       government where power and administration is shared
       a.  dual federalism    c.  creative federalism
       b.  cooperative federalism   d.  new federalism

32.  Under cooperative federalism the national government’s role is
       a.  financier      c.  agenda setter
       b.  standard setter     d.  all the above

33.  A basic reason for studying state and local government
       a.  directly effects how well we live
       b.  have little impact on our lives
       c.  have made our lives worse
       d.  have been improved only when the national government takes action

34.  The U.S. Constitution does not recognize which level of government
       a.  only the national government 
       b.  national and state governments
       c.  national, state and local governments
       d.  local government 

35.  The nationalization of  states is being produced by
       a.  technology especially TV.
       b.  malling of America
       c.  decline of small businesses such as restaurants not part of any chain.
       d.  all the above

36.  The practice of cooperative federalism is demonstrated by the joint action on the part
       of national, state and local governments in which of the following areas of
       government services
       a.  public health     c.  police
       b.  welfare      d.  all the above

37.  Which of the following is mostly a state and local function?
       a.  police      c.  education
       b.  planning     d.  all the above

38.  State and local control over transportation usually means deciding
       a.  the location of roads and bridges.
       b.  the amount of taxes of vehicles.
       c.  the age at which people need to be to get a driver’s license.
       d.  all the above

39.  The nationalization of the states refers to
       a.  states rejoining the Union after the Civil War.
       b.  states relying on grants-in-aid from the national government.
       c.  diminishing differences among the states in terms of their political culture beliefs.
       d.  increasing differences among the states in their culture values.

40.  Local governmental power derives from
       a.  the U.S. Constitution.    c.  state constitutions.
       b.  court decisions.    d.  local charters.

41.  State and Local government is considered important to study because 
       a.  they make decisions that impact the average citizen.
       b.  they are becoming more important as the national government takes less
            responsibility for domestic problems.
       c.  they have power over most of the issues that people care about.
       d.  all the above
          Page 5 of 7

42.  State and local government is less visible than the national government because
       a.  it costs the media more to cover state and local politics.
       b.  the structure of state and local is more complicated and therefore harder to
       c.  the feeling in the media is that most people do not care about what happens at the
            state and local levels.
       d.  all the above

43.  Advantage of federalism:
       a.  help manage political conflict
       b.  encourage innovation
       c.  increase opportunities for political participation
       d.  all the above

44.  Disadvantage(s) of  federalism
       a.  complicated      c.  results in duplication of services
       b.  costly      d.  all the above

45.  A problem with a federal system
       a.  It is confusing and complicated to the average voter.
       b.  places too much power in the hands of the voter who must decide on hundreds of 
            candidates for public office
       c.  makes it hard to establish national policy because states often go off on their own 
       d. all the above

46.  Rule that grants powers to local government to act without state approval
       a.  Dillion’s rule     c.  Federal Rule
       b.  Home Rule     d.  Local Rule

47.  Type of federalism that stresses the joint arrangements among the three levels of
       government where power and administration are shared
       a.  dual federalism    c.  creative federalism
       b.  cooperative federalism   d.  new federalism

48.  Educating children in grade school and high school is largely the responsibility of
       which level of government
       a.  national government    c.  local
       b.  state      d.  all share in it equally

49.  Critics of cooperative federalism believe that 
       a.  state and local government should be on their own.
       b.  too much power is concentrated in Washington.
       c.  local control is being eroded.
       d.  all the above

50.  The United States Constitution
       a.  recognizes local government.
       b.  does not recognize local government.
       c.  reserves certain powers to local government.
       d.  supports local power against state governments.

51.  The text argues that state and local governments
       a.  directly affect how well we live.
       b.  have little impact on our lives.
       c.  have made our lives worse.
       d.  have been improved only when the national government takes action.

52.  Advantage of federalism:
       a.  help manage political conflict
       b.  encourage innovation
       c.  increase opportunities for political participation
       d. all the above

State and Local Government
Test 4 

1. Which of the following is not a form of city government
a. mayor-council
b. council-manager
c. commission
d. mayor-manager

2. The nations largest cities tend to have which form of city government
a.  mayor-council
b. council-manager
c. commission
d. mayor-manager 

3. The form of city government that gives both legislative and executive power to a small body is the
a.  mayor-council
b. council-manager
c. commission
d. mayor-manager 

4. Characteristic(s) of  a typical city council
a. small number (5 to 10 members)
b. unicameral
c. possess most of the governmental powers
d. all the above

5. The form of city government that has a professional mayor
a.  mayor-council
b. council-manager
c. commission
d. mayor-manager 

6. City manager governments are usually found in 
a. Strong partisan communities
b. small, affluent suburbs
c. rural, small communities
d. cities with large diversified populations 

7. Aim of a nonpartisan election
a. restrict local politics to local issues
b. end corruption in city administrations
c. emphasize candidate qualifications over party labels
d. take politics out of local government 

8. The aim(s) of the early reform movement
a. end corruption
b. get rid of patronage
c. replace party politics with professionalism
d. all the above

9. Recommendation(s) of the early reform
a. manager-council government
b. at large elections
c. nonpartisan elections
d. all the above

10. Most cities elect their officials using which form of ballot
a. partisan ballot
b. nonpartisan ballot
c. political ballot
d. nondenominational ballot 

11. If a city uses a partisan ballot which of the following is likely to occur
a. Republicans will have an advantage
b. Incumbents will have the advantage
c. Turnout will be reduced
d. All the above
e. None of the above 

12. At large elections are designed to produce
a. a citywide approach to municipal problems 
b. a way to represent minorities
c. a method to better represent neighborhoods
d. a way to represent all the citizens of the community 

13. Reforms of the turn of the century include
a. merit system to end patronage
b. manager-council government to replace mayors
c. home rule
d. all the above

14. A  good definition of privatization
a. A way to reduce government services
b. Shifting responsibility from city to private economy
c. a way to make the public sector more responsible
d. having private sector companies contracting to provide government services

15. Example(s) of privatization include
a. government contracts with private companies
b. government giving franchising to private businesses
c. vouchers
d. all the above
e. none of the above 

16. Example(s) of the types of services that have been privatized
a. vehicle towing
b. garbage removal
c. street repairs
d. all the above
e. none of the above 

17. Rationale for the use of privatization
a. way to save money
b. way to reduce government waste
c. method to reduce the size of the government bureaucracy’
d. all the above

18. Most likely to oppose privatization 
a. the mayor
b. the city council
c. municipal employees
d. voters 

19. School privatization would most likely to be favored by
a. teachers
b. teachers’ unions
c. public school administrators
d. all the above
e. none of the above

20. Reform movements are based on the belief that government is 
a. spending more but delivering less
b. the government bureaucracy is too big
c. politicians only raise taxes and cut services
d. all the above

21. Reinventing government means that government should do which of the following
a. let private companies deliver government services
b. b. encourage communities and neighborhoods to take ownership of government services
c. provide a way to have competition in the delivery of government services
d. all the above

22. Reinventing government includes which idea
a. focus on the size and number of services of the government
b. be mission oriented
c. focus on better delivery of services
d. all the above 
e. none of the above 

23. Most likely to support the reinvention plan
a. government bureaucracy
b. public employees
c. business community
d. all the above
e. none of the above 

24. Cities with council- managers, at large elections, and nonpartisan ballots are known as
a. Responsible cities
b. Reform cities
c. Unreformed cities
d. Unusual cities 

25. Privatization is the result of which of the following
a. citizens concern over the size of government
b. belief that government cannot deliver services effectively
c. faith in the private sector
d. all the above

26. Common method of privatizing government services
a. contracting
b. franchising
c. vouchers
d. all the above

27. Privatizing through government grants to provide a monopoly service to a private contractor is known as
a.  contracting
b. franchising
c. vouchers
d. all the above 

28. Method that allows citizens the power to choose the producer of the goods desired
a.  Contracting
b. franchising
c. vouchers
d. all the above 

29. When governments contract with each other to provide a service on a large scale then they could provide individually it is known as
a. interjurisdictional agreement
b. franchising
c. grants
d. vouchers 

30. Can be found as examples of privatization at the local level
a. jail operations
b. building and ground maintenance
c. delinquency tax collection
d. all the above

31. The popularity of privatization is the result of the public’s belief that
a. Government is spending more and delivering less
b. The bureaucracy is out of control and unresponsive to the public
c. Government too often raises taxes and cuts services
d. all the above

32. Reinventing government is also described as
a. experimental government
b. entrepreneurial government
c. innovative government
d. cooperative government 

33. The present day reform is most concerned about
a. who the government leaders are
b. what to do about the political parties
c. how well governments deliver services
d. how to improve ways for citizens to make demands on the government 

34. Reinventing government looks to which method to raise money
a. increase taxes
b. charge user fees
c. have private charity drives
d. operate on current budgets because there is no need to raise additional funds 

35. Reinventing as an approach focuses on which of the following
a. prevention rather than acting after the fact
b. decentralized government structure
c. be market driven
d. all the above
e. none of the above 

36. Voting results at the local level suggest that which of the following best describes the level of public interest in local politics
a. almost all the people are interested
b. relatively few care about local politics
c. most of the citizens vote in local elections of every type
d. none of the above 

37. When compared to national elections most local elections are
a. higher
b. lower
c. about the same
d. cannot be compared 

38. Local elections are held at a different time from state or national elections in order to
a. eliminate voter confusion
b. provide more information
c. separate local issues from state and national
d. encourage more state party involvement in local elections 

39. Voter participation would be increase by 
a. holding local elections at odd times of the year
b. consolidating many different elections
c. emphasizing local issues
d. encouraging citizens to register for local elections 

40. Which of the following reform movement characteristics help reduce voter turnout
a. nonpartisan elections
b. council-manager form of government
c. separate city elections
d. all the above

41. All but one are associated with low voter turnout
a. large  metro area
b. nonpartisan elections
c. council-manager city
d. middle-class homogeneous cities 

42. The election where candidates face the entire city electorate is known as
a. single-member election
b. at large election
c. ward election
d. district election 

43. In the council manager city the responsibility for executive management is given to
a. the council
b. the manager
c. the bureaucracy
d. the mayor 

44. Responsible for hiring and firing city manager
a. the council
b. the manager
c. the bureaucracy
d. the mayor 

45. A metro area is one in which there is 
a. interdependence among governments
b. a sense of community  is found
c. governments that are geographically connected
d. all the above

46. A metro problem is one that
a. is not solved
b. goes beyond the jurisdiction of a single city
c. there is no know solution
d. shared by some but not all the cities in the metro area 

47. The major goal of  the metro reform movement
a. condense governments jurisdiction
b. reorganize government jurisdiction
c. consolidate governments jurisdiction
d. enlarge government jurisdiction 

48. The form of metro solution that reduces the number of governments responsible for government policy
a. special district government
b. volunteer cooperation
c. federation
d. city-county consolidation
e. all the above 

49. Most likely to be adopted in a metro area
a. metro special district
b. city-county consolidation
c. federation
d. all have about an equal chance of being adopted 

50. An example of a metro problem
a. transportation
b. pollution
c. crime
d. all the above

51. Argument for metro consolidation
a. improved public services
b. coordination of public services
c. remove inequalities in financial burden
d. all the above

52. Result of fragmented government
a. centralization of accountability
b. centralization of decision making
c. decentralization of public policy making
d. decentralization of educational accountability 

53. Which of the following is not a metro solution
a. annexation
b. city-county consolidation
c. anti-jurisdictional pacts
d. special districts 

54. Most likely to be adopted as a metro form of government
a. city-county consolidation
b. federation
c. special district
d. none are popular so they would be about equally adopted

State and Local 

Test 3 

 1.  Function(s) of the state legislature include 
      a.  law making   c.  overseeing state agencies 
      b.  representing constituencies d.  all the above

 2.  State legislators are typically 
      a.  well educated 
      b.  from "upwardly mobile" sectors of the population 
      c.  from occupations with flexible work schedules 
      d.  all the above

 3.  Are represented proportionately to their numbers in the population 
      a.  African Americans  c.  Women 
      b.  Hispanics   d.  all the above 
     e.  none of the above

 4.  The typical state legislator is higher on which socioeconomic characteristic than average citizen 
       a.  social class   c.  occupation 
       b.  education   d.  all the above

 5.  High turnover in the state legislature means that about what percentage of the legislature are           replaced at each election? 
      a.  5 to 10%   c. 20 to 25%
      b.  15 to 20%   d.  30 to 50% 

 6.  Unlike Washington D.C. some state legislatures have enacted changes such as 
      a.  term limits.   c.  spending limits. 
      b.  campaign finance reform. d. all the above

 7.  A legislature(s) with a more professional structure 
      a.  California   c.  New York 
      b.  Illinois    d.  all the above

 8.  An amateur legislature is characterized by 
      a.  part-time membership 
      b.  low pay 
      c.  small staff assistance 
      d.  all the above

9.  The oversight power of the state legislature means 
       a.  the power to tax and spend 
       b.  the power to override the veto of the governor 
       c.  the power to supervise the activity of state agencies
       d.  the power to overlook the interests of state government 

10.  Oversight is likely to take place 
       a.  in committee hearings and investigations
       b.  trips home for visits with constituents 
       c.  phone calls to government agencies 
       d.  debates on the floor of the house or senate 

11.  Which is true about the legislative process in a typical state? 
        a.  Action is likely to kill rather than pass legislation. 
        b.  Few bills ever make it through the entire process. 
        c.  Compromise is needed to pass any legislation. 
        d.  all the above
        e.  none of the above 

12.  The occupational group most likely to be over represented in the typical state legislature 
        a.  lawyer   c.  farmer 
        b.  business owners  d.  all the above

13.  A professional legislature is one in which 
       a.  there is a highly paid legislature. 
       b.  there is adequate staff. 
       c.  legislators are full time. 
       d.  all the above

14.  In the amateur legislature 
       a.  most people consider themselves citizen politicians. 
       b.  the job is part time. 
       c.  the turnover rate is high. 
       d.  all the above

15.  The most important factor in determining how a state legislature operates 
        a.  party orientation  c.  structure 
        b.  logrolling   d.  cue-taking 

16.  Control over the bureaucracy is part of which function? 
       a.  policymaking   c.  representation 
       b.  oversight   d.  reapportionment 

17.  Providing personal services for constituents is part of which function? 
       a.  policymaking   c.  representation
       b.  oversight   d.  reapportionment 

18.  A member of a state legislature would be involved in which of the following? 
       a.  committee work  c.  oversight work 
       b.  policymaking   d.  all the above

19.  If a  legislature is bicameral, it 
       a.  is divided into two houses.
       b.  has equal power with the governor. 
       c.  has two concepts of representation. 
       d.  has two constitutional tasks to perform. 

20.  A state legislator is likely to be similar to his or her constituents on which of the following 
       a.  sex    c.  education 
       b.  wealth    d.  all the above 
         e.  none of the above

21.  The number of local governments in the United States 
        a.  10,000   c.  50,000 
        b.  20,000   d.  80,000

22.  A typical local government is concerned with providing which of the following functions? 
       a.  welfare   c.  police protection 
       b.  highways and streets  d.  all the above

23.  The traditional local government services 
        a.  highways and streets 
        b.  parks and recreations 
        c.  police and fire
        d.  housing and community development 

24.  In most states minor courts handle 
       a.  civil cases. 
       b.  criminal cases. 
       c.  administrative cases. 
       d.  misdemeanors, or less serious violations.

25.  An example of a minor court 
       a.  district court    c.  traffic court
       b.  circuit court    d.  superior court 

26.  At the state level judges are most likely 
       a.  elected by the public.
       b.  appointed by the governor. 
       c.  appointed by the legislature. 
       d.  appointed by other judges. 

27.  Considered courts of original jurisdiction where most important cases are heard 
        a.  district court    c.  minor court 
        b.  circuit court    d.  superior court 

28.  The court system in the U.S. is which kind of system? 
        a.  dual system    c.  unified system 
        b.  federal system   d.  three tiered system 

29.  An example of a civil court case 
        a.  traffic violation 
        b.  neighbors suing each other over property boundaries 
        c.  hit and run accident 
        d.  all the above

30.  Methods for selecting judges at the state level 
        a.  election by the voters 
        b.  appointment by the governor 
        c.  Missouri Plan 
        d.  all the above

31.  A method for selecting judges that involves  a commission, selection by the governor and an          election by voters 
       a.  nonpartisan election of judges 
       b.  appointment by the governor 
       c.  appointment by the legislature 
       d.  California Plan

32.  The system that looks most like the federal method of judicial selection 
        a.  election 
        b.  appointment by the governor
        c.  appointment by the legislature 
        d.  Missouri Plan 

33.  Which method is most likely to bring a cross section of the public to the bench? 
        a.  election
        b.  appointment by the governor 
        c.  appointment by the legislature 
        d.  Missouri Plan 

34.  Involves a review of court records and arguments 
       a.  original courts    c. appeals courts
       b.  circuit court    d.  all the above 

35.  Counties are 
        a.  general purpose governments.   c.  a  rural form of government. 
        b.  found in all 50 states.  d.  all the above

36.  Local governments derive their legal power from 
       a.  the state.    c.  the people. 
       b.  local charters.    d.  the U.S. Constitution. 

37.  General purpose governments are those that 
        a.  have a single task to perform. 
        b.  perform a wide variety of functions.
        c.  can be found in most special districts. 
        d.  none of the above 

38.  The vast majority of special districts are created to 
        a.  provide a single government service. 
        b.  provide a new taxing body. 
        c.  way to incur new debt. 
        d.  all the above

39.   The most important reason for creating new special districts 
         a.  way to avoid financial responsibility by existing governments
         b.  way to satisfy the public demand for more professionalism in government 
         c.  way to create better government structure 
         d.  all the above 

40.  The type of government that has undergone consolidation in recent years. 
        a.  counties 
        b.  cities 
        c.  special districts 
        d.  school districts
        e.  none of the above, all are growing at a rapid rate 

41.  Criticism(s) of special districts 
       a.  operate free of public scrutiny 
       b.  lack efficiency in their operations 
       c.  fail to respond to the needs of their constituency 
       d.  all the above

42.  School districts are a form of 
       a.  special district government.
       b.  municipality. 
       c.  metro government 
       d.  none of the above, a unique form of government 

43.  A local airport commission or a sanitary district is an example of 
       a.  municipality    c.  special districts
       b.  township    d.  all the above 
      e.  none of the above 

44.  Typically, the most powerful unit of local governments is 
        a.  executive.    c.  judiciary. 
        b.  legislative.    d.  All are about equal. 

45.  Most local governments fall under which structure? 
       a.  county     c.  school district 
       b.  city     d.  other special district

46.  County officials usually include which of the following? 
       a.  clerk     c.  coroner 
       b.  sheriff     d.  all the above

47.  Typical county function(s) include 
        a.  tax assessment.   c.  record keeping 
        b.  law enforcement  d.  all the above

48.  Describes special districts 
       a.  the fastest growing form of local government 
       b.  often created to provide a new service 
       c.  the most common form of local government 
       d.  all the above

49.  The most numerous form of special district 
        a.  schools    c.  airports 
        b.  libraries    d.  public works 

50.  Most universal form of local government 
       a.  cities     c.  towns 
       b.  counties    d.  special districts 

51.  Traditional function(s) provided by a county 
       a.  fire protection    c.  social services 
       b.  road construction   d.  all the above

52.  Most typical special districts are 
       a.  multi-function governments. 
       b.  single purpose governments.
       c.  governed by a large board. 
       d.  run by the closest general purpose government. 

53.  The main advantage of special district government 
        a.  accessibility 
        b.  accountability 
        c.  a  broad taxing authority
        d.  most democratic form of government 

Test 2 

 1.  Political participation refers to 
      a.  political activity by individual citizens.
      b.  campaign strategies of candidates. 
      c.  roll call voting in the state legislature. 
      d.  none of the above 

 2.  The most basic form of political participation 
       a.  demonstrating   c.  campaigning for office 
       b.  voting    d.  writing letters to state legislators 

 3.  Considered an unconventional form of political participation 
       a.  writing letters   c.  giving money to a candidate 
       b.  voting    d.  all the above 
       e.  none, all the above are conventional forms of political participation.

 4.  Form(s) of political participation likely to be used by non-elite groups 
      a.  demonstration   c.  violence 
      b.  civil disobedience  d.  all the above

 5.  Which election is likely to attract the most voters? 
       a.  national   c.  local 
       b.  state    d.  all about the same 

 6.  In campaigning for office most state and local officials generally engage in which form of              activity 
      a.  modern media campaigns c.  mostly television campaigns 
      b.  time polls are open  d.  dates of elections 
(this  question was  a misprint and was not counted)
 7.  Least likely to be responsible for non-voting 
      a.  registration system  c.  number of elections held in the U.S. 
      b.  time polls are open  d.  dates of elections 

 8.  Type of political participation that the largest number of people will participate in 
       a.  voting    c.  writing letters to public officials 
       b.  campaign activity  d.  none of the above 

 9.  Modern election campaigns involve the use of 
      a.  professional campaign consultants 
      b.  television advertising 
      c.  computer generated research 
      d.  all the above

10.  The most costly function of the modern campaign 
        a.  professional campaign consultants 
        b.  television advertising
        c.  computer generated research 
        d.  all the above 

11.  Most likely to use the modern campaign techniques at the state level 
       a.  candidates running for governor
       b.  candidates running for the state legislature 
       c.  candidates running for state wide office generally 
       d.  all the above 

12.  A person who says he is a Republican and usually votes that way, but does not give money or work for the party would be part of 
       a.  party organization   c.  party-in-the-government 
       b.  party-in-the-electorate  d.  none of the above 

13.  Voting at the state and local level in recent years has been 
        a.  increasing    c.  remained about the same 
        b.  decreasing    d.  has not been measured 

14.  Interest group found at the state level 
       a.  state branch of a national organization 
       b.  group that does business with the state 
       c.  group who has its members' salary paid by the state 
       d.  all the above

15.  An interest group is an organized group of people seeking 
       a.  to enter politics and run for office
       b.  to influence the course of government policy
       c.  some control over the executive branch of government 
       d.  to study politics and government 

16.  Best describes the public image of lobbyists 
       a.  helpful and fair 
       b.  trustworthy and honest 
       c.  powerful, wealthy and influential
       d.  incompetent and weak 

17.  Best describes the public image of interest group politics in America 
        a.  a useful and proper influence on democracy 
        b.  no longer relevant to our government 
        c.  do different from political parties 
        d.  a corrupting influence

 18.  A group, organized to get political results by trying to influence election but not running 
      candidates for office, would be described as 
       a.  an interest group.   c.  either an interest group or a party. 
       b.  a political party.   d.  both an interest group and a political party. 

19.  An example of an economic interest group found at the state level 
        a.  business, labor and public interest group 
        b.  business, labor and agriculture groups
        c.  business, agriculture and single issue group 
        d.  all the above 

20.  The American Medical Association is an example of 
        a.  a professional association  c.  public interest group 
        b.  a citizen activist group  d.  none of the above 

21.  The Teamsters Union is an example of an 
        a.  economic interest group  c.  public interest group 
        b.  citizen activist group   d.  advocacy group 

22.  A single issue group is an example of 
       a.  an economic interest group for one industry. 
       b.  advocacy group for just one minority.
       c.  citizen activist group focusing on a narrow range of issues. 
       d.  government-related group for one type of state or local government. 

23.  The U. S. Conference of Mayors is an example of 
        a.  professional association. 
        b.  government-related interest group.
        c.  public interest group. 
        d.  economic interest group. 

24.  The functions of political parties include 
        a.  formulation policy.   c.  nominating candidates. 
        b.  organizing the government.      d.  all the above

25.  Best describes party organization 
       a.  elected officials who ran under the party label 
       b.  everyone who contributes money to a political party 
       c.  those who identify with a political party 
       d.  those who help run the local party organization

26.  The party-in-the-electorate refers to 
        a.  elected officials who ran under the party label. 
        b.  everyone who contributes money to a political party. 
        c.  those who identify with a political party.
        d.  those who help run the local party organization. 

27.  The party-in-the-government can best be described as 
        a.  elected officials who ran under the party label.
        b.  everyone who contributes money to a political party. 
        c.  those who identify with a political party. 
        d.  those who help run the local party. 

28.  Interest groups differ from political parties in that interest groups do not 
       a.  campaign for political candidates. 
       b.  seek to influence public policy. 
       c.  directly seek public office.
       d.  raise funds for political candidates 

29.  A PAC is an 
       a.  agency established by the government to regulate interest group activity. 
       b.  institution to distribute political jobs and contracts among interest groups. 
       c.  organization that plans and directs lobbying activities for interest groups. 
       d.  organization established by interest groups to make contributions to political candidates.

30.  Likely to be found lobbying at the typical state legislature 
       a.  Farm Bureau    c.  AFL-CIO 
       b.  Chamber of Commerce  d.  all the above

31.  Lobbying depends on 
       a.  supplying trustworthy information 
       b.  testifying at hearings and investigations 
       c.  influencing legislators in their offices and at social gatherings 
       d.  all the above

32.  Serving as contact between the national and state government is part of the role of 
       a.  chief legislator.   c.  ceremonial leader. 
       b.  chief administrator.   d.  intergovernmental coordinator.

33.  Recruiting industry to the state 
        a.  policymaker    c.  economic development promoter
        b.  chief administrator   d.  party leader 

34.  Trying to get tourist to come to the state is part of the role of 
        a.  policymaker    c.  economic development promoter
        b.  chief administrator   d.  party leader 

35.  Role of the governor that calls for him or her being in charge of the operations of state                   agencies, departments, boards and commissions 
       a.  policymaker    c.  ceremonial head 
       b.  chief administrator   d.  intergovernmental leader 

36.  Managing workers and managing organizational crises is part of 
       a.  policymaker    c.  ceremonial head 
       b.  chief administrator   d.  intergovernmental leader 

37.  Cutting the ribbon on a new highway is part of 
        a.  policymaker.    c.  ceremonial head.
        b.  chief administrator.    d.  intergovernmental leader. 

38.  Welcoming visitors to the state capitol 
        a.  policymaker    c.  ceremonial head
        b.  chief administrator   d.  intergovernmental leader 

39.  Opening the state fair is part of the role of 
       a.  policymaker    c.  ceremonial head
       b.  chief administrator   d.  intergovernmental leader 

40.  Veto that allows the governor to write in a change he recommends after striking 
        out a portion of the bill 
         a.  pocket    c.  line item 
         b.  amendatory    d.  none of the above 

41.  The governor's executive power is weakened by 
        a.  separately elected state officials. 
        b.  executive power of the legislature. 
        c.  separate boards and commissions. 
        d.  all the above

42.  The typical governor is stronger than the president on 
        a.  staffing power.   c. control of the budget. 
        b.  power over cabinet supervision.  d.  all the above     e. none of the above

43.  States legal counsel 
        a.  Lt. Governor     c.  Secretary of State 
        b.  Attorney General   d.  Treasurer 
         Page 5 of 6 

44.  Represents the state in cases where the state is a party to a case 
       a.  Lt. Governor    c.  Secretary of State 
       b.  Attorney General   d.  Treasurer 

45.  When the governor is incapacitated, the job goes to 
        a.  Attorney General   c.  Lieutenant Governor
        b.  Secretary of State   d.  Treasurer 

46.  Supervises elections 
       a.  Governor    c.  Secretary of State
       b.  Lt. Governor    d.  Attorney General 

47.  Maintains state archives 
       a.  Governor    c.  Secretary of State
       b.  Lt. Governor    d.  Attorney General 

48.  When the governor faces issues in the state, such as education and takes a stand, he is 
        acting in the role of 
        a.  policymaker. c.  intergovernmental leader. 
        b.  chief of state    d.  economic development coordinator 

49.  Formal power(s) of the governor 
        a.  length of term   c.  budget control 
        b.  veto     d.  all the above

50.   Weakest role of the governor 
         a.  chief administrator   c.  legislative leader 
         b.  party leader    d.  all are weak 

51.  Legislative power of the governor include(s) 
        a.  giving the State-of-the-State message. 
        b.  annual budget message. 
        c.  veto legislation. 
        d.  all the above

52.   Paying attention to the performance of the bureaucracy in the state 
        a.  representation   c 
        b.  oversight     d.  policy making 

53.  Declaring "Martin Luther King's birthday a state holiday 
       a.  representation    c.  ceremonial leadership
       b.  oversight     d.  policy making 

Test 1 

 1.  Which is the umpire in the federal system that must settle disputes? 
       a.  the U.S. Constitution   c.  the President 
       b.  state governors   d.  U.S. Supreme Court 

  2.  The level(s) of government most involved in regulating business, settling political disputes 
       and making the most public policy? 
       a.  the national government  c.  state and local governments 
       b.  national and state governments d.  counties and cities 

 3.  The most important function of state and local governments? 
       a.  controlling the economy  c.  welfare 
       b.  education    d.  transportation 

 4.  Most costly function of state and local government? 
       a.  controlling the economy  c.  welfare 
       b.  education    d.  transportation 

 5.  Under the concept of dual federalism the 
       a.  Supreme Court must settle disputes 
       b.  most powers are state and local 
       c.  states are separate and different from the national in the functions they perform 
       d.  all the above 

 6.  View that the 3 levels of government are all acting together on each function, sharing 
      functions and power 
      a.  dual federalism   c.  regulatory federalism 
      b.  cooperative federalism  d.  creative federalism 

 7.  When the national government sets a national standard for driving under the influence and             then expects the state and local governments to enforce the law, we are experiencing which            form of federalism? 
      a.  dual federalism   c.  regulatory federalism 
      b.  cooperative federalism  d.  creative federalism 

 8.  Local governments get most of their money from which tax? 
      a.  property tax    c.  income tax 
      b.  sales tax    d.  all the above tax 

9.  The principal responsibility for public safety or the police function is 
       a.  national 
       b.  state 
       c.  local 
       d.  All do it in about the same proportions. 

10.  State constitutions do which of the following? 
       a.  establish the structure of government 
       b.  identify rights of citizens 
       c.  place limits on the power of government 
       d.  all the above 

11.   Every state constitution has which of the following? 
         a.  bill of rights 
         b.  separation of powers 
         c.  explanation of structure and function of government 
         d.  all the above 

12.  In order to understand politics in states and communities, we need to know 
       a.  government organizations designed to manage conflict. 
       b.  political conflicts 
       c.  differences of political cultures among the states 
       d.  all the above 

13.  Political problem(s) that must be addressed by state and local governments 
       a.  racial tensions 
       b.  economic inequality among citizens 
       c.  drugs 
       d.  all the above 

14.  Political systems differ from state to state due to 
       a.  wealth of the state 
       b.  economic diversity within the state 
       c.  unique histories and cultural settings 
       d.  all the above 

15.  Most states are about the same on which demographic characteristic? 
       a.  population size   c.  geography 
       b.  income    d.  all the above 
             e.  none of the above 

16.  A state that is administered by a government that is centralized and whose policies, such as 
       education, are set by the central government is 
       a.  a unitary state    c.  a confederal state 
       b.  a federal state    d.  none of the above 

17.  A state that has a government in which there is a constitutional sharing of power between a 
       national government and regional governments is 
       a.  a unitary state    c.  a confederal state 
       b.  a federal state    d.  none of the above 

18.  Federalism permits which of the following? 
       a.  diversity 
       b.  more opportunities for political participation 
       c.  experimentation and innovation 
       d.  all of the above 

19.  Those who favor federalism argue that 
        a.  It permits more opportunities for political participation. 
        b.  It allows special interests to frustrate efforts to solve national problems. 
        c.  By its diversity, it makes it easier to achieve and maintain national unity. 
        d.  all of the above 

20.  Those who are against federalism argue that which of the following constitutes a weak point 
        in the system? 
        a.  It allows special interests to frustrate efforts to solve national problems. 
        b.  Law enforcement and justice may be administered unevenly. 
        c.  The system may serve as a mask for privilege and economic and racial discrimination. 
        d.  all of the above 

21.  Those who are against federalism argue that which of the following constitutes a weak point 
        in the system? 
        a.  It allows special interests to frustrate efforts to solve national problems. 
        b.  It permits more opportunities for political participation. 
        c.  It permits more experimentation and innovation. 
        d.  all of the above 

22.  Which of the following statistics is correct for the United States, according to the Census 
        a.  a total of 86,743 governments  c.  fifty states 
        b.  three thousand counties   d.  all of the above 

23.  The type of federalism that existed when the United States Supreme Court saw itself as a 
        referee between two competing power centers–the states and the federal government, each 
        with its own responsibilities–was which of the following? 
        a.  cooperative federalism   c.  dual federalism 
        b.  regulatory federalism   d.  creative federalism 

24.  The view that the various levels of government are related parts of a single governmental 
        system, characterized more by shared functions than by conflict and competition, describes 
        which of the following? 
        a.  dual federalism    c.  new federalism 
        b.  cooperative federalism   d.  creative federalism 

25.  The Clean Air Act of 1970 which set federal air quality standards for the whole country but            required the states to draft plans to enforce those standards, is an example of 
        a.  dual federalism    c.  shared federalism 
        b.  cooperative federalism    d.  regulatory federalism 

26.  State governments depend heavily on which of the following for their revenue? 
       a.  real estate taxes    c.  taxes on personal income 
       b.  sales taxes     d.  export taxes 

27.  State and local governments do which of the following? 
       a.  directly affect how well we live 
       b.  have little impact on our lives 
       c.  have made our lives worse 
       d.  have been improved only when the national government takes action 

28.  State that has a short Constitution much like the model State Constitution 
       a.  Hawaii     c.  Illinois 
       b.  Alabama     d.  Connecticut 

29.  Problem with a typical state constitution 
       a.  too many elected officials 
       b.  limited power to the governor and legislature 
       c.  limit the power of local governments 
       d.  all the above 

30.  The fact that states have different sets of political values is part of the States' political 
        a.  individualistic    c.  traditional 
        b.  moralistic 
 (this  question  was not counted)

31.   The government of the U. S. is best described as 
         a.  Confederacy     c.  unitary 
         b.  federalism     d.  none of the above 

32.  The U. S. Constitution recognizes the power of 
        a.  only the national government. 
        b.  national and state governments. 
        c.  national, state and local governments. 

33.  According to the text, state and local government responsibilities are 
       a.  increasing 
       b.  decreasing 
       c.  have remained about the same in the last 20 years 
       d.  cannot be measured 

34.  The typical state constitution 
        a.  is more detailed than the U. S. Constitution. 
        b.  denies power to executive and legislative officials. 
        c.   contains citizen rights in the form of a bill of rights. 
        d.  all the above 
        e.  b and c only 

35.  A kind of open marketplace in which people participate because of essentially 
       private motivations 
       a.  individualistic political culture 
       b.  moralistic political culture 
       c.  traditional political culture 
       d.  none of the above 

36.  The political culture in Illinois is characterized by 
        a.  an effort to establish a good and just society. 
        b.  a strong desire to change or reform the system. 
        c.  efforts to improve the moral code. 
        d.  all the above 
        e.  none of the above 

37.   The nationalization of states is being produced by 
         a.  expansion of communication, such as, cable TV. 
         b.  the movement of population from one state to another. 
         c.  economic homogenization, such as, the expansion of fast food restaurants. 
         d.  all the above 

38. The major function of state and local governments in transportation is 
         a.  highway construction. 
         b.  policing the roads. 
         c.  road maintenance. 
         d.  all the above 

39.    A function that is shared among all three levels of government (national, state, and local) 
         rather than the burden of only the state and local levels 
         a.  police protection   c.  education 
         b.  welfare    d.  all the above 

40.   The national government gets involved in welfare through which of the following 
        a.  Social Security   c.  food stamps 
        b.  Medicare    d.  all the above 
        e.  none, these are state and local functions 

41.  Which of the following are mostly state and local functions? 
        a.  police     c.  education 
        b.  planning    d.  all the above 

42.  State and local governments are largely responsible for 
       a.  maintaining law and order. 
       b.  educating the children. 
       c.  caring for the poor and the ill. 
       d.  all the above 
       e.  All governments do these things about equally. 

43.  Regulating the use of land is known as 
       a.  police     c.  education 
       b.  planning and zoning   d.  all the above 

44.  Considering the most important function of state and local government 
       a.  welfare    c.  education 
       b.  police     d.  correction 

45.  Most local function 
       a.  welfare    c.  education
       b.  defense                          d.   corrections 

46.  Directly related to public health function 
       a.  sanitation    c.  housing 
       b.  social work    d.  urban planning 

47.  The State and Local function 
        a.  sanitation     c.  urban planning 
        b.  housing                      d.  all the above 

48.   State and local governments have the major responsibility for 
        a.  providing the roads that enable people to move from place to place. 
        b.  regulating business, such as public utilities. 
        c.  protecting public safety. 
        d.  all the above 

49.  State and Local government in national programs, such as national welfare consists mainly 
       a.  financing the program.  c.  planning the program. 
       b.  administering the program.  d.  none of the above 
                                                                        e.  all of the above 

50.  Control over transportation means State and Local governments decide 
       a.  the location of roads and bridges. 
       b.  the amount of taxes on vehicles, such as those on motor vehicles. 
       c.  the age at which people need to be to receive a driver's license. 
       d.  all the above 

51.  Planning streets and parks and locating schools and shopping malls are all part of which 
       a.  police     c.  controlling the physical environment 
       b.  public safety    d.  public health 

52.  Which of the following is a definition of political culture? 
        a.  the beliefs, attitudes and values people hold toward government 
        b.  the social cost of government in modern times 
        c.  all forms of interjurisdictional conflict we find in modern society 
        d.  none of the above 

Test 1 

1. The text argues that state and local governments 
a. directly effects how well we live
b. have little impact on our lives 
c. have made our lives worse 
d. have been improved only when the national government takes action 

2. The political culture of Chicago would most closely reflect which type 
a. individualistic 
b. moralistic 
c. traditional
d. none of the above 

3. The government of the U.S. is 
a. confederacy 
b. federal system
c. unitary government 
d. none of the above 

4. The U.S. Constitution recognizes the power of 
a. only the national government 
b. national and state governments
c. national state and local governments 
d. none of the above 

5. According to the text, state and local government’s responsibilities are
a. increasing
b. decreasing 
c. have remained about the same in the last 20 years 
d. cannot be measured 

6. The nationalization of states is being produced by 
a. expansion of communication, such as cable TV 
b. the movement of population 
c. homogenization of the fast food restaurant business 
d. all the above

7. The major role of the national government in transportation is 
a. highway construction 
b. policing the roads 
c. taxing gasoline 
d. all the above 
e. none of the above

8. The major function of the national government in education is 
a. hire teachers 
b. decide on which books are used 
c. set the curriculum 
d. all the above 
e. none of the above

9. A function that is shared among all three levels of government (national state and local) rather than the burden of only one is 
a. public health 
b. welfare 
c. police 
d. all the above

10. Which of the following are mostly state and local functions? 
a. police 
b. planning 
c. education 
d. all the above

11. State and Local governments are largely responsible for 
a. maintaining law and order 
b. educating the children 
c. caring for the poor and the ill who cannot pay for health care 
d. all the above

12. Considering the most costly and important function of state and local government 
a. welfare 
b. police 
c. education
d. corrections 

13. Directly related to public health function 
a. sanitation
b. social work 
c. housing 
d. urban planning 

14. The most local of functions 
a. police 
b. housing 
c. urban planning
d. education 
15. State and local governments have the major responsibility for 
a. moving people from place to place 
b. regulating business, such as public utilities 
c. protecting public safety 
d. all the above

16. State and local role in national programs such as the national welfare consists mainly of 
a. financing the program 
b. administering the program
c. planning the program 
d. all the above 
e. none of the above 

17. State and local control over transportation usually means deciding 
a. the location of roads and bridges 
b. the amount of taxes on vehicles 
c. the age at which people need to be to get a driver’s license 
d. all the above

18. Planning streets and parks and locating schools and shopping malls are all part of which function 
a. police 
b. public safety 
c. controlling the physical environment
d. public health 

19. Which of the following is a definition of political culture? 
a. the beliefs, attitudes and values people hold toward governmen
b. the social cost of government in modern times 
c. all forms of interjuridictional conflict we find in modern society 
d. all the above 

20. Under the U.S. federalism citizens are 
a. forced to obey state and national laws 
b. required to elect national state and local officials 
c. have a hard time fixing government responsibility 
d. all the above

21. National government involvement in education consists of 
a. recommending reforms 
b. mandates 
c. providing some money 
d. all the above

22. The idea behind making people on welfare go to work 
a. to pay back the welfare money they received from the government 
b. to lower the cost of the program 
c. to break the cycle of welfare 
d. all the above

23. Local governmental power derives from 
a. the U.S. Constitution 
b. court decisions 
c. state constitutions
d. local charters 

24. Power in the federal system is the result of 
a. clear provisions of the U.S. Constitution 
b. change and circumstances
c. public opinion 
d. all the above 
e. none of the above 

25. State and Local government is considered important to study because 
a. they make decisions that impact the average citizen 
b. they are becoming more important as the national government takes less responsibility for domestic problems 
c. they have power over most of the issues that people care about 
d. all the above

26. State and local government is less visible than the national government 
a. it cost the media more to cover state and local politics 
b. the structure of state and local is more complicated 
c. the feeling in the media is that most people do not care about what happens at the state and local levels 
d. all the above

27. The fact that we have police at the national state and local levels all working on crimes is an example of what type of federalism 
a. dual 
b. cooperative
c. new 
d. none of the above 

28. All but one of the following have taken place in population changes at the state and local levels 
a. back to the cities movement 
b. back to rural America
c. move to the sunbelt 
d. move to suburbia from the central cities 

29. A system of government in which powers are shared between national and state governments: 
a. separation of powers 
b. federalism
c. checks and balances 
d. confederacy 

30. Advantage of federalism: 
a. help manage political conflict 
b. encourage innovation 
b. increase opportunities for political participation 
d. all the above

31. An example of states and local government as experimental laboratories 
a. the Denver Booth 
b. lottery 
c. dead beat dad laws 
d. all the above

32. Disadvantage(s) of federalism 
a. complicated 
b. costly 
c. results in duplication of services 
d. all the above

33. A problem with a federal system 
a. it is confusing 
b. places too much pressure on the voter 
c. makes it hard to establish national policy 
d. all the above

34. Rule that limits powers of local government to those expressly granted by the state 
a. Dillion's Rule
b. Home Rule 
c. Federal Rule 
d. Local Rule 

35. The legal ability of a local government to run its own affairs without state approval 
a. Dillion's Rule 
b. Federal Rule 
c. Home Rule 
d. Local Rule 

36. Theory that responsibilities and activities of the national and state governments are separate and distinct: 
a. dual federalism
b. cooperative federalism 
c. creative federalism 
d. new federalism 

37. Model of federalism that stresses the linkages and joint arrangements among the three levels of government 
a. dual federalism 
b. cooperative federalism
c. creative federalism 
d. new federalism 

38.His idea was to shrink the size of the national government 
a. Johnson 
b. Nixon 
c. Reagan 
e. Carter 

39. Political culture refers to 
a. state libraries and museums 
b. anthropologists who study states 
c. shared political values
d. moral teachings 

40 Differences in political cultures is the result of 
a. migration patterns of  the people who first settled the states 
b. lack of  travel and communication from state to state 
c. public expectations about politics 
d. all the above

41. The nationalization of the state refers to 
a. states rejoin the Union after the Civil War 
b. state rely on grants-in-aid from the national government 
c. diminishing differences among the states in income, ethnic and racial composition
d. increasing differences among the states in income, ethnic and racial composition 

42. Governmental level most responsible for setting the agenda of politics 
a. national 
b. state 
c. local 
d. state and local 

43. Governmental level given the responsibility to administer programs in the federal system 
a. national 
b. state 
c. local 
d. state and local

44. Educating children in grade school and high school is largely the responsibility of which level of government 
a. national government 
b. state 
c. local
d. all share in it equally 

45.Critics of cooperative federalism feel 
a. state and local government should be on their own 
b. too much power is concentrated in Washington 
c. local control is undermined 
d. all the above

46. Most governments in the United States are 
a. cities 
b. counties 
c. towns 
d. special districts

47. Under cooperative federalism the national government’s role is 
a. financier 
b. standard setter 
c. agenda setter 
d. all the above

48. Number of governments in the United States 
a. 10,000 
b. 40.000 
c. 60,000 
d. 80,000

49. The doctrine of dual federalism is 
a. of recent origin
b. developed from practice of U.S. governments 
c. is in the Constitution
d. part of the unwritten “rule of the game” 

50. The United States Constitution 
a. recognizes local government 
b. does not recognize local government
c. reserves certain powers to local government 
d. supports local power against state governments 


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  Questions: Joe Gaziano
Lewis Univeristy, Political Science Department, Route 53, Romeoville, Il., 60446