Common Core Resources





General Information Official site for the Common Core standards. It includes information about what the standards are, what parents should know, and information about how the process got started. Official site for the PARCC testing. It includes information about the PARCC assessment, what statese joined the PARCC testing, news and updates, and resources for parents, educators, and administrators. Great resource for information on Common Core, Conferences, Professional Development, Journals and Books, Research, Online Store, and more.

Curriculum Information

High School Math Scope and Sequence Detailed information about the traditional and intergrated scope and sequence that is tied to the Common Core Standards.
Algebra 1 Curriculum Map Entire Algebra 1 curriculum that follows the traditional sequence, but has student centered Common Core modeling units incorporated. This curriculum map was built to prepare the students for the PARCC Testing and has built-in links that take you to the modeling units so you can print and use them. (Hint! You might need to press the CTRL key on your keybourd while you click on the links ).
Geometry Curriculum Map Entire Geometry curriculum that follows the traditional sequence, but has student centered Common Core modeling units incorporated. This curriculum map was built to prepare the students for the PARCC Testing and has built-in links that take you to the modeling units so you can print and use them. (Hint! You might need to press the CTRL key on your keybourd while you click on the links ).
Algebra 2 Curriculum Map Entire Algebra 2 curriculum that follows the traditional sequence, but has student centered Common Core modeling units incorporated. This curriculum map was built to prepare the students for the PARCC Testing and has built-in links that take you to the modeling units so you can print and use them. (Hint! You might need to press the CTRL key on your keybourd while you click on the links ).
Geometry Progression Detailed information about teaching Geometry according to the Common Core Standards starting from 4th grade until the end of high school.

Common Core based Worksheets and Projects

Common Core based Worksheets and Activities that can be searched by grade or topic. (Hint! Watch the intro video on the first page to learn how to navigate the site easier.)

Common Core based Video Tutorials Videos of actual lessons that are taught. It is a great resource that can be used to get ideas of lessons that you can teach in your content area. The resources are filtered by grade, subject, standards, and collection, which makes it easy to find specific information.
Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice Videos with a lesson being taught to show an example of each of the 8 Common Core standards for mathematical practice.