American National Government


Written Assignments

Instructions for Written Assignments: 

  • All paper projects are due at the end of the week by Sunday at 5:00pm.
  • Choose from any of the projects listed below.
  • Check out the web sites listed at the bottom of each assignment.  Theses are the resources you will need to answer the questions.  Review them carefully.
  • Write a report approximately 3 to 5 pages in length, double spaced with 1 inch margins.
  • In your report make sure you answer all the questions listed in the assignment.

Paper Projects

   Presidential Debates
Why People don't vote
U.S Constitution compared to State Constitutions
3rd Parties 
Presidential Elections
   4 Voice of America
Reforming the Electoral Process
Supreme Court       10 Congress

Presidential Debates

Access the Presidential Debates 2008. Write a paper describing the topics and issues discussed at each of the debates you viewed?  Watch at least one full debate. What does this tell us about the opportunity of the public to make informed choices in a presidential election?

Read this article on 3rd parties and the Presidency

  • Write and essay explaining what it is about the American political process that denies 3rd parties access to participation.  Tell what you thing can be done about this and speculate what changes it would make to presidential debates and other forms of joint communications as well as the campaign in general.

  • Polling

  •  Read the article below and answer the following questions:  1) How are systematic polls conducted?  2) Describe the sampling process. 3)What is meant by margin of error?  3) How do questions impact a survey?   

  • ·  Understanding Polling Methodology

Presidential Elections 2012

Access the Five Great Websites of 2014
1. Write a paper on what makes for a good candidate website of Is there anything you think is missing.  Identify the features that are essential.  What makes a site interesting and gets the public motivated to support the candidate.

Voice of America

What is the Voice of America (VOA) , its budget, and the number of different languages it broadcasts in. Choose any one of its regular programs and any one of the special programs offered. Describe and discuss their content, purposes, audience, and any other issues about them that appeal to you.

Reforming the Electoral Process

Jeffrey Toobin's article in the New Yorker "Money Talks"  discusses the role of the Supreme Court in refusing to uphold campaign finance laws in the name of free speech and even to go so far as to declare money to be speech.  Read the article and write an essay on the role of money in our election campaigns.  Tell whether you agree or disagree with the Court.

Supreme Court
1. The Supreme Court's official Web site is an abundant resource for cases, opinions, justices, and more. Study the site and answer these questions:
a. What is the history of the Supreme Court? 
b. How many justices have sat on the Court, and who has served as Chief Justice? 
c. What are the traditions and procedures of the institution? 
d. Briefly discuss any three cases the Court has heard in the last year.


Barbara Sinclair wrote an article in defense of Congress.  " What is wrong with Congress"  Read the article which also contains many of the criticisms of Congress made by its critics.  Write an essay identifying the criticisms and defense and then tell which side you think is most compelling.

  Questions: Contact your instructor